Substance Use & Addiction

Breaking the cycle of addiction, whether it’s around alcohol, drugs, nicotine, or compulsive behaviors such as gambling or spending, is not about will power. Reducing dependence is not a question of strength vs. weakness or desire vs. complacency. Your effort to address unhealthy substance use is a journey of growth that includes understanding what valuable role the substance or behavior has in your life, learning tools you can use to create an environment conducive to self-understanding, and then making informed decisions about your goals. It’s also about understanding the very real neurological impacts of addictive substance use and healthy perspectives on relapse in recovery.

If you are at a place in your recovery journey where outpatient, private-practice therapy is appropriate, we can work together to develop skills, gain insight, and heal wounds…all of which can help you achieve your goals, whether they are based on abstinence or harm-reduction.